What is Gorse?
Gorse (Botanical Name: Ulex europeans) is an noxious weed that can grow rapidly and spread easily, once it is established, it’s very difficult to eradicate.

Why should you remove Gorse?
Gorse is an invasive plant which flourishes in the sun and dies in shade of any kind. Gorse seeds are released by heat (fire or sun) and remain viable in the soil nearly 70 years. These are the key reasons Gorse removal is recommended ASAP if you find it on your land:

  • Gorse invades all pasture types and significantly reduces livestock grazing capacity. It has the ability to exclude all other plants and greatly hinders access to stock and waterways.
  • Gorse is dangerous for homeowners in rural areas because of its combustibility. It is highly flammable and is a significant fire hazard which should be removed.
  • The presence of gorse on your property greatly reduces land value.
  • The plant is unpalatable to cattle and sheep. Horses will eat new growth while goats eat mature plants.
  • Gorse offers shelter to different pests such as rabbits, foxes, feral cats and mice.

What is the best gorse removal method? 
In Victoria, we have gorse management rules. There are four prescribed measures for the control of noxious weeds and for getting rid of gorse, these are:

  • application of a registered herbicide
  • cultivation
  • physical removal
  • mulching

Mechanical gorse removal is the most effective way to address extensive infestations. Low impact Posi-Track forestry mulchers remove large gorse plant colonies and much of their root systems. This practical, non-invasive and efficient form of mechanical gorse removal is carried out using Diamond Mowers Skid-Steer Forestry Mulchers; the process cuts, shreds and mulches gorse plants while leaving a mulch layer in place. Mulch helps to suppress the seedbank and follow-up herbicide treatments.

Gorse removal can be a very complicated, dangerous, and time-consuming process. Central Land Clearing use efficient, non-invasive forestry mulching machinery to get rid of gorse. Our state of the art equipment means we can get into the big overgrown areas where you have no access to spray as the coverage is to dense and you get instant results.

Contact our Gorse Removal specialists today online or give us a call on 0406 159 527.